Interesting Article Over At Boundless
While I don't agree with everything over at the boundlessline blog [obviously], but I do enjoy reading their blog, and today, I did have to admire one of their articles discussing what they are calling a "purity ball." Now, I still think calling their position "biblical dating" is extreme circular reasoning, but I do think that they are right that fathers need to be involved in the lives of their daughters. They are also correct in that fathers need to take a role in training their daughters in how to think with purity. This is all over the Bible: Numbers 30, Ephesians 6:4, Deuteronomy 6:7, etc...
I must say that I am touched at the love of these fathers for their daughters. I don't think, as many have said, that a purity pledge was necessary for these fathers to protect their daughters. I think that it is a public profession of these fathers' love for their daughters and their willingness to care about the way in which their daughters think and act. With many of the disagreements we have over issues of courtship and mandatory marriage, I think this is one issue, along with abortion, atheism, homosexuality, pornography, and several others upon which I can strongly support them. There is something just so sweet about a father's love for his daughter.